Hi, I am a Learnables member/student, and this is what my day after school looks like:
So, I normally come to the Learnables place after my 7th-period P.E. Once we get there, we do homework. We have calm music on that helps us work. If someone is struggling with their homework, we will help them. After that, we will are going to cook that day, we will gather materials, and start cooking.
This is a photo of me and my friend making dango, and sub-type of mochi.
To make it, we first mix the flour slowly adding bits of water.
Once it feels like the softness of an earlobe. Then we round it into a circle and dent the top a little.
After, we put it into boiling water and wait until it starts floating. We scoop it up and quickly cover it with powder. We move it into a plate.
If we didn't cook that day, we'd do a game, for example, D&D.